Switching teams
So, your current team isn’t quite the right match? Here’s how you can switch teams. Remember, you can only be a member of one team at a time...
Searching for a team by its ID
To make finding your friends' teams easier, we've made it possible to search for them using team IDs! 👬Here’s how:1. Tap/click on Team tab ...
Joining or creating a team
Here’s all you need to know about finding your dream team! 😍Creating a teamYou can create a team if you're not a member of another team.1. ...
Inviting a friend to join my team
Playing with friends is more fun, which is why you can now invite friends to join your team!Simply go to the Friends tab in the Teams menu, ...
Requesting lives from my team
After joining a team, you can exchange lives with your teammates!To request lives, open the Chat tab and press Request. Your team will see y...
Team Chat
Use the team chat to work together and have fun with your teammates!You can find the Chat tab in the team window. In the Chat you can:💬 Sen...
What can a team leader do?
The team leader is the player in charge! Usually, they created the team and can change the settings e.g. team description, required level, b...
Team Score
Teams collect two types of points together:👥 Team scoreThis consists of all the points earned by a team for beating levels 😍 You earn one ...
What are teams?
Teams are groups of up to 30 players who are willing to connect and join forces 🤩 Teammates can exchange lives and participate in in-game a...
Attracting players to my team
So you created your team and picked out a nice badge, but you still have no teammates? Don't worry! Here are some tips to help you find new ...