If you're using the Samsung Galaxy Fold device 📱 (Galaxy Z Flip (5G) or Galaxy Fold (5G)), you may experience some graphical issues.

To fix these issues, try the following steps:
🔸 Go to Settings -> Advanced features -> Labs -> Auto rotate apps.
🔸 Tick the Match phone's orientation option.

If this didn't help, please try these additional settings:
🔹 Go to Settings -> Advanced features -> Labs -> Customise app aspect ratios.
🔹 Select Gardenscapes app.
🔹 Select the 16:9 ratio.

⚠️ We strongly recommend not to fold / unfold the device during gameplay to minimize any graphical issues.
🌱 Kindly note that the game is not fully supported on foldable devices at the moment. However, we are working hard on it to make your playing experience as enjoyable as possible in our future updates.