Aquarium, Beauty, and Stars
How to open a new aquarium?
To unlock a new aquarium, you must ensure that all of your previous aquariums have 3 stars each. Stars within aquariums can be earned by add...
How do I decorate my aquarium?
The in-game Store is a treasure trove where you can find many different things to buy for your undersea adventure, using coins 💰 The fish a...
Aquarium Beauty
Beauty shows how advanced your aquarium is. You can increase an aquarium's Beauty by buying fish and decorations and placing these within th...
No rewards for beauty stars
After recent game updates, the number of beauty points in some of your aquariums may have gone down slightly 🔻 That in turn could have infl...
Why can't I unlock a new aquarium?
Its very likely that you are lacking a beauty star ✨ in one of your aquariums. When you are just a few beauty points shy of getting the last...
Stored fish and decorations
You can always put away decorations and fish you don't currently need and have them kept in storage for you.To remove your decorations:1. Se...
The in-game Store 🏪 is a treasure trove where you can find many different things to buy for your undersea adventures 🏊💡 To access the St...
Missing stars
Please do remember that selling your fish/decorations or putting them in storage will reduce the number of beauty points in your aquarium (f...
I lost a fish or a decoration
Firstly, check your aquarium once more as the missing fish or decorations may be tricky to spot or partially hidden behind another item in y...
How do I move decorations between aquariums?
Decorations can be moved across aquariums by using the store 🏪1. Select a decoration to open the menu below it 🔘2. Choose the box icon in ...
How do I sell my decorations and fish?
Select the fish or decoration to open the menu below it 🦈Choose the 💲 icon in the menu Confirm if you would like to proceed 👍✨PLEASE NOTE...
What kinds of aquariums are there?
There are three kinds of aquariums in the game: regular, holiday, and renovation.⭐ In regular aquariums, you earn stars by getting beauty po...
How do I fit more decorations into an aquarium?
Unfortunately, you cannot expand the size of your aquariums. However, new aquariums will be unlocked as you earn Stars in the ones you alrea...
Cleaning your aquariums
Your aquarium tends to fog up over time, so get it looking spick and span by dragging the sponge across the dirty areas. Once everything's c...
How do I switch aquariums?
Select the aquarium icon at the bottom of the screen to open the aquarium selection window 🥌Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to ...
How do I move my decorations around?
Decorations can always be moved around to place them in a manner of your choosing. They can be relocated, re-sized, and rotated 🎠Here is ho...
What are unique decorations?
Unique decorations are the most valuable, one-of-a-kind decorations that bring you maximum beauty points. They can only be acquired by using...
Some of my decorations were redesigned. Why?
Our game developers have remodeled this older aquarium and all of its decorations so as to give them a whole new look 🔱 The aquarium and it...
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