Be someone your friends can count on and become their hero!

💙 Help your friends out by sending them additional lives so they can have more fun and play for even longer. Here's how you can send your friends' lives:

– Select the friends icon on the left sidebar to open your friends' list.
– Choose the friend you want to send a life to and select the heart icon next to their name.
– Confirm your action.

Please Note: Only 1 life can be sent to each friend per day. Once a life is sent, a timer begins counting down the time left before another one can be sent out. Once the timer disappears, you'll be able to select the button again.

💛 You can also send lives to all of your friends at once:

– Choose the heart icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
– Then select send in the pop-up window that appears. This will ensure that all the folks on your friends' list are checked off.
– Please ensure you've only marked the friends you want to send lives to, before selecting the send button again.

Your friends will surely be appreciative of all of your efforts!