Embark on an exciting new undersea adventure with our Expedition Event. Explore this tropical map with our pioneer crab, connect with legendary undersea characters, reveal undiscovered aquatic locations, and win amazing prizes along the way!

📍 To progress through the map you need to destroy obstacles, collect resources, and complete various tasks.

🦀 Along the way, you will begin to see the fog vanish as you assist other sea characters and gather supplies that fill your treasure chest.

⚡ Completing tasks requires spending energy, which accumulates over time. Every action requires energy which is earned from the completion of levels and can also be purchased.

Helpful notes

– Use the location pins & helpful tooltips to direct you on your journey.

– Keep an eye on the map icon on the right of your screen which offers a guide for your tasks required.

– Look out for the glowing trees which award you energy.

– Treasure chests and pots of gold offer fantastic rewards.

– Collect items such as seaweed, seagrass, rocks, reefs, shells etc to fill your treasure chest and collect prizes.

– You will come across items to help you destroy a more wide-range area eg. TNT explosions.

– Complete this Expedition to receive exciting unique items.

– The event is available to all players at level 26.

Wishing you the best of luck on your travels 🌊