Chat and co-ops
What is a co-op?
A co-op is a group of players who get together to chat and help each other in the game.The Co-op Building is unlocked at level 19, and you c...
Creating and joining a co-op
You have to unlock and restore the Co-op Center (available at level 19) before you can create your own co-op or join an existing one. You’ll...
How do I invite friends to my co-op?
Only Leaders, Co-leaders, and Elders can invite other players to co-ops. No other co-op members can do so.You can send a co-op invitation to...
How do I join a different co-op?
You can only be a member of one co-op at a time. If you are already in one, you will have to leave it before you can join another one. To le...
Goods request
You can only exchange goods with fellow co-op members. Tap Request products to request goods, select the product you need in the pop-up wind...
How do I rename my co-op?
Unfortunately, co-op names are permanent. Choose your name wisely and avoid using any offensive words or personal information.We may conside...
How do I report offensive activity?
Even though we're absolutely sure that Township players are all friendly and polite, any community may have a number of people, deliberately...
Co-op member`s status change
Only Leaders and Co-leaders can promote and demote co-op members. If you hold one of those positions, you can change the status of lower-ran...
Message your co-op members!
If you're a co-op Leader or Co-leader, the game lets you send a message to all your co-op members at once. Find the Send Message button...
How do I delete a co-op?
There's no button to delete a co-op, but if all the members leave, it will be deleted automatically.
Online status indicator
If you want to know which co-op members are online, you just need to look at the dot next to their co-op rank.A green dot means the player i...
Kicked out of a co-op
Township players have repeatedly asked us not to interfere with co-ops' internal politics. Please note that we cannot remove, add, or invite...
Co-op emblem
Each co-op has its own emblem. They are needed to identify the co-op among others. The emblem consists of a frame, a badge and a background ...
How to send a private message?
Whether you are a leader, co-leader or a member, you won’t be able to send a private message to a team member or a friend. Unfortunately, th...
- Updates and hot topics
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- Chat and co-ops
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