There are a number of ways you can get coins, tools and unlimited lives separately or packaged as rewards.
1. You get coins: 💰
— By beating levels;
— Bу participating in events and competitions;
— By reaching certain stages of each in-game day;
— From in-game characters as a gift or a token of their gratitude for your help;
— Along with an update letter.
2. You get unlimited lives: ⚡
— Bу participating in events and competitions;
— By reaching certain stages of each in-game day;
— As a part of the comeback reward.
You can get lives separately by exchanging gifts with friends (this option is available after you link the game to Facebook and set up your friend list).
3. Tools, both single and unlimited, can be won:
— By participating in events and competitions;
— By reaching certain stages of each in-game day;
— As daily bonuses;
— As a part of the comeback reward.
You get whole sets of rewards (coins, tools and unlimited lives) for finishing certain events and winning competitions.
How do I earn resources in the game?
Last Updated: 1h